
Causing a Scene

Building the narrative necklace

Raucous Exchanges - Session 4
Date Thursday 26 August (Time 4-6.15pm UK time)

Theatre scriptwriting masterclass and workshop with award-winning playwright Sharon Clark.

What do we need to consider when threading scenes together to make a narrative whole? What are the challenges? How do we make decisions about which scenes in the script are urgent, and what is their role in propelling the story forward?

A mixture of masterclass and workshop, this session will explore how scenes are the foundations of script, how they inform dynamic structure and how they can accelerate tension, pace and impact.

About Sharon Clark
Sharon is a playwright, academic and Creative Director of Raucous. Her plays have been shortlisted for the PapaTango Prize and the Yale Drama Prize and her play, Plow, won a Bruntwood Prize for Playwriting. For eight years she was Literary Producer at Bristol Old Vic. She is a senior lecturer at University of the West of England (UWE).

The workshop will be delivered via Zoom, details will be in your booking confirmation email.

WHO ARE THESE WORKSHOPS FOR? Writers, theatre makers, students and anyone who is curious about how their stories and work may shift or expand when they look to work with a range of diverse disciplines and collaborators.

The sessions are part workshop, part masterclass and will enable you to consider your own practice/writing whilst engaging with Raucous and international collaborators to openly share skills, challenges and knowledge.

The sessions will be divided into creative practice discussions and case study sharings, with participation through tasks and discussion.

DATE & TIME Thursday 26 August 4pm - 6.15pm (UK time)

PRICE - Pay what you can*
*We have made this event Pay What You Can to make it accessible to everyone, but ask that you support the speakers and Company fittingly so we can continue to provide this kind of work. Thank you.
via eventbrite HERE

Max 50 participants